The logic app enables you to execute complex operations for which there is no app. For example, this could be controlling the ventilation of the WC, controlling a light transformer etc. If you wish to use logic, then you should already have a basic understanding. If you are new to the area of logic, exercise caution when using this feature.
The logic app is located under “all apps” – “logic”.
Logic Program
To create a logic sequence, you first need a logic program. This is comparable to a network in PLC programming. A program contains logic elements that you can use for your controller. For example, if you have a controller for the WC ventilation and one for a light transformer, then you can create an individual program for every controller.
To create a logic program, open “logic” and select “add program”. This opens the operator panel for the logic program. You must first allocate a name to your program and optionally a room for it.
The operator panel for the logic program contains an item “parameter” where all parameters available to rapidly configure the program are listed (parameters are described in the chapter data elements). The values of these parameters are not lost if a controller fails.
The item “status” displays a diagram that shows you the time required to execute this program.
Control Command And Status Text
Every logic program can contain a control command and a status text. You can select a data element of type bool for the control command and a data element of type string (text). To do this, go to the parameter panel and select “choose control command and status text”.
The control command is intended to activate and deactivate the logic program via the object panel. You can toggle the control command via the icon on the left-hand side of the object panel.
The status text is displayed in the object panel under the name of the program. An example would be “ventilation will be switched off in 2 mins”.
Edit Logic
If you want to edit the logic in this program, click on the button “edit” in the parameter panel under the item “logic”.
Input und Output
Each logic program allows you to define in- and outputs, which are shown in the linkpanel of a program. Defined in- and outputs can then be linked to values of other evonHOME apps.
This makes it possible to create interfaces for your logic program which make it easy for you to integrate it without the need to modify or edit the underlying logic construct. It is also very useful if you want to reuse it for different purposes as you only have to adapt the linked values.
To define an in- or output for your logic program, select a data element and change the type to "Input" or "Output".
It will then be listed in the linkpanel of your logic program and can be connected to other apps/values.
If you wish to save the logic program, you can do this via the button “export” in the parameter panel under the item “import/export”.
To import a logic program, click on the button “import” (directly under the “export” button). Note that any existing logic is overwritten by the logic in the imported program. Furthermore, if logic elements were linked across programs prior to export, after importing, the links no longer exist.
Color And Icon
You can allocate a colour and icon to your logic program. Do this in the parameter panel under the item “settings” by clicking on the current colour or icon.
Logic Elements
Elements are all logic elements that you can add to a logic program (AND, OR, etc.)
To create a logic element, you must first be located in the logic program. If not, open the logic program and select the item “edit logic” in the parameter panel. Then add new logic elements to the program using “add function”. To do this, click on the corresponding element.
Element Colour
If a logic element has an error, or if it is simply not activated, then you can recognize this due to the colour of the element.
The element is working fine.
The output of this element is being simulated.
The element does not have a fault, but it is deactivated.
The element has a fault: either an input has no value, or the output it is linked to no longer exists.
Connecting Elements
The operator panels for each logic element (except for data elements) are all constructed using the same principle. The first item is the setting (if available), then the inputs, then the output.
This shows you the selection of an input.
The button “select” lets you select the output of a different logic element that you wish to connect to this input.
The checkbox under “invert” lets you invert the input (if it is of type bool).
The checkbox under “fixed value” lets you allocate a fixed value to the input. This means that if you activate this checkbox, the type bool displays a checkbox in the centre with the text “value”. The state of the input can be controlled using this value. If you activate this checkbox for an input of data type number or string, then an input field appears where you can enter the desired value.
Data Elements
Data elements are intermediate stores for values. This means that data elements can be described by other logic elements by selecting this data element at the output (however only if both are of the same type). Data elements can also be linked with inputs of other logic elements. Every data element has the option “parameter” in the operator panel. If you have activated this option, then you can see this data element in the operator panel of the corresponding logic group and you can change it from there. This has the advantage that you do not always have to have the logic program open to change a value. Parameters also means that the value of a data element remains even if the controller were to fail.
You can change the value of any data element via the object panel. You can do this on the left-hand side of the object panel for types bool and number, and on the right-hand side via the input field for type string.
The element “AND” is a classical AND operator. This means the output is set to true as soon as ALL inputs are true. This element can have between 2 and 6 inputs. The number of inputs can be changed via the operator panel using the buttons “add pin” and “remove pin”.
The element “OR” is a classical OR operator. This means the output is true as soon as at least one input is true. This element can have between 2 and 6 inputs. The number of inputs can be changed in the operator panel using the buttons “add pin” and “remove pin”.
The compare function works by comparing the values present at the two inputs and switches the output accordingly.
You can change the following settings in the operator panel:
Select the type of comparison
If you require hysteresis, you can define it here.
Sample time
This is the time for which the comparison must be fulfilled for the output to be switched to true.
Time Relay
The time relay lets you delay an output switching on or off, or leave it switched on for a certain time.
The time relay has two types that you can configure under “select used times”.
Delay switching on/off
If the input is true, the output is only set to true after the selected ON time delay. If the input jumps from true to false, the output is set to false after the selected OFF time delay.
Switch on delay and duration
This enables the option “input as flank”. If you have not activated this option, then the input must be true for at least the switch on delay time in order for the output to be set true for the defined duration and after this duration (independently of the input) reset to false. If you have activated this option then a flank is sufficient on the input and the output is set to true for the defined duration and then reset to false.
Time Measurement
Time measurement is represented by a stopwatch. Time measurement can be started, stopped and reset via inputs “activated” and “reset”.
If the input “activated” moves from false to true, the stopwatch starts. If the input “activated” moves from true to false, the stopwatch stops, if “auto reset” was NOT activated.
If “auto reset” is activated, then the stopwatch is reset when the input “activated” moves from true to false.
The input “reset” resets the stopwatch. This only works if “auto reset” has not been activated.
Value Allocation
Mit der Wertzuweisung kann ein beliebiger Wert dem Ausgang zugewiesen werden.
The value on the input E1 is written unchanged to the output if “activated” is true.
The counter can increase, decrease or reset a numerical value to 0.
The input “up” increments the counter by one when the input changes from false to true, the input “down” decrements the counter by one and “reset” resets the counter to 0.
Flank Recognition
Flank recognition allows rising and falling edges to be evaluated. This means that if the selected flank appears on the input, then the output is set to true for one cycle and then reset to false.
The type of flank can be selected in the operator panel under the item “settings”.
Function Generator
The function generator enables periodic square wave signals to be generated.
As soon as the input “activated” is true, the function generator is started and generates a periodic square wave signal on the output.
“TOn” can be used to adjust how long the square wave signal is true and “TOff” how long it is false.
A function element is used to carry out mathematical calculations. “A1” must contain the desired calculation.
For as long as the input is true, the output of the reset element will be set to false.
For as long as the input is true, the output of the set element will be set to true.
SR Flip Flop
The SR flip flop is used to set and reset an output. If the input “set” is true, then the output is true. If the input “reset” is true, the output is false. If both inputs are true, then the output is false. If both inputs are false, the output is stored, meaning it remains in this state until the input is true again.
Text Block
The text block is used to create any text string you want.
1 to 6 inputs (E1 – E6) can be created using the buttons “add pin” and “remove pin” and the text from these inputs are then strung together.
For example, if the text for E1 is “It is now ” and the text for E2 is the current time (use the button “select” and under “system” then “time”), then the following text string will be created “It is now 17:00”.
PI Controller
This is a clocked PI controller where you supply demand value, actual value and clock.
The settings for the PI controller are located in the parameter panel.
WC Ventilation
If the light in the WC is switched on, then the ventilation should be switched on 15 seconds later (the ventilator must be connected to a digital output) and run for one minute after the light has been switched off. If the light is switched off before the ventilator is switched on, the ventilator should not be activated.
First open the app “logic” and create a logic program via “add program”.
Give the logic program the name WC-ventilation and select the room WC.
Open the logic program via the button “edit”. Use the “add function” to add the function time relay. This relay is red, meaning that it isn’t yet working, because there are no inputs.
Now open the time relay. Since the output should be switched on after 15 seconds, you will need a delay of 15 seconds. Change the switch on delay to a fixed value and enter the value 15. Do the same for the switch off delay, except instead of 15, use the value 60, since the ventilation is only meant to run for 1 minute (= 60 seconds) after the light has been switched off.
Now you need to link inputs and outputs. Select input E1 using the button “select” and navigate to the lights, select the WC light and select “light on”. In the object panel of the time delay, you can now see the current value of the light and how it changes when the light is switched on and off. Now all you need to do is connect the output of the time relay with the digital output. To do this, click on “select” under “output” and navigate to the digital outputs. Once there, select the desired output and click on “set value”.
Now you can test your WC ventilation and see if everything is working fine.
Light Transformer
There are 4 lights and 1 light transformer available. The light transformer is connected to a digital input. As soon as at least one light is switched on, the light transformer must be switched on. If no lights are switched on, the light transformer must also be switched off.
The first thing to do is open the app “logic” and create a logic program via “add program”.
Give this logic program a name “light-trans”.
Next, open the logic program using the button “edit”. Use the button “add function” to add an OR. This OR is red meaning that it is not currently functioning, because it has no inputs.
Now open the OR and add two inputs using the button “add pin”. These four inputs must now be linked with the four lights via the button “select” by selecting “light switched on” for each light. The OR is now green, because all inputs are linked. Finally, you need to connect the digital output of the transformer with the OR. Do this by clicking on “select” under “output”, open the digital output there and select “set value” for the desired digital output.
The logic should now work as desired.
Ventilation Control
You measure humidity in a room and want to switch on the ventilation as soon as the humidity has reached a certain value.
To do this, the humidity sensor must be connected to an analog input of an analog module and configured accordingly (to do this, see chapter “Analog Input”). The ventilation must be connected to the output of a digital module.
Next, create a logic program in the app “logic” using “add program”. Give the program a meaningful name (e.g. fan control) and if wish, allocate a room. Then open the parameter panel and select “edit” under “edit logic”. Insert a compare function via “add function”.
Now open the operator panel of the compare function. Under the item “settings”, first select for “type” the value “greater than” (since the fan is to be switched on when the humidity is GREATER than a certain value). You can configure the hysteresis for the compare function as you feel is necessary. In this example, select 5 for the hysteresis. The sample time can be left at 0. Now the compare function is correctly configured.
The inputs and output now need to be connected. Select the analog input you connected the humidity sensor to under “inputs” for “E1”. For “E2” enter the value above which the fan is to be switched on. In this example select 80. Now select the digital output you connected the fan to using the button “select” under “output”.
The ventilation control is now complete. If you want, you can change the hysteresis and the sample time as you require.