Settings contains the configuration for general settings that are valid for all shading element. Navigate to “all apps – settings – blinds”.
Short button press – completely up: If the blinds button is pressed for a short period of time, then the blinds will travel in the desired direction until either the blinds are fully open/closed, or a further press of the button causes them to stop where they are. A long button press sets the angle for the slats, i.e. after a wait time to correctly identify a long button press, the blind slats begin to turn until the button is released.
Short button press - set slats: A short button press changes the angle of the blinds and a long button press completely opens or closes the jalousie. A second button press interrupts the travel and the jalousie stops where it is.
Over-travel time
The over-travel time lets you define the percent of time to increase the time that the jalousie takes for completely UP to completely DOWN. This makes sure that the blinds are really open or closed.
Activate wind lock
If you have activated this option, then all shading elements are closed if it is windy. If you want to exempt elements from this wind lock, it can be done for each individual element.
Close at twilight
If “close at twilight” is selected, then all blinds will close as soon as twilight is detected. If you do not want all blinds to close at twilight, then deactivate “close at twilight” for each individual blind. In addition, you can also delay the closing at twilight by entering the number of minutes you wish to wait after twilight until the blinds close.