
To create an electric window, open the app “shading” and select the blind the window is connected to. Navigate to the parameter panel and select the “type” “window”.

You can operate an electric window either via the object panel using the arrows on the left-hand side or via the operator panel using the buttons and the slider.
Adjust Opening Times

If you know exactly how long your window takes to open and close, then enter the times directly into the fields “closing time” and “opening time”, then click on the button “use values and run reference”.
If you do not know the times, simply use the wizard to determine the opening and closing times. Follow the wizard’s instructions and the times will be automatically entered and a reference activity carried out.

If you want to convert this electric window back into a blind, then you can easily do this by selecting the type “blind”.
Except from universal scene
A universal scene “open all windows”, for example, would open all windows. However, if you wish a window to be excepted from this universal scene, then activate this option.
Lock window
This option lets you lock a window, i.e. the position cannot be changed, neither via the visualization nor via a button.
Deactivate notifications
If you do not wish to receive notifications for this window, then activate this option.
Reserve (hide in visualization)
“Reserve” lets you hide unused channels. You can unhide them via the app “hardware” and the corresponding module.
Couple With

If you want two windows to always have the same position, this can be done by coupling them. Simply select the button “select” in the item “couple with” and choose the window you wish to couple this window with.
Using With A Scene

A scene lets you react to the opening and closing of a window in that you select “has been opened” or “has been closed” in the “IF” statement and then select what should happen as a consequence in the “THEN …” statement.
You can also select the actions “go to position” (go to a window position you have defined), “open” and “close” in the “THEN” statement of a scene.