User & Groups

You can allocate different rights in your evon Smart Home to users, for example so that children can only use functions in the children’s room. The rights are controlled via the user groups.

You can find users and user groups in “all apps” – “settings”.


A user allows you to control exactly the rights for your evon Smart Home.

You can add a new user here or configure an existing one. To add a new user, simply select “add user”. This opens a panel where you can enter the user name and an optional description. Enter a password for the user so that you can login using the username.


Profile picture
The profile picture to be displayed for this user.

Background picture and text colour
You change the background of your visualization as you wish. The text colour selects the colour of titles such as “favourites” on the home screen so that they are readable, even with other background pictures.

Show areas on the home screen
This setting lets you define whether areas will be displayed on this user’s home screen.

Own favourites
If you activate the option “own favourites”, you can customize the favourites on your own home screen without these changes being visible to other users. If this option is deactivated, then your favourites are shared with other users and any changes will be visible to all users.

This lets you change the language for this user. To change the language of the current user, click on “load new language settings”.


Permit external access
The option “allow external access” lets you decide whether this user is permitted to connect to your evon Smart Home externally.

This allows you to allocate rights to this user. If you want to allocate rights independently from a group, simply select “user defined”. The individual rights are explained further down the screen. If the user is to have no rights, simply select “no rights”.

The section “areas” lets you select which the areas this user is to have access to. If you have allocated this user to a user group, the rights in this group have already been defined for this area and hence you only have the possibility to limit the rights for individual areas further.

Some changes cannot be made to the user you have used for your login. So for example you cannot withdraw administrator rights or delete the current user.


User groups allow you to configure rights for several users.

The settings can be modified for a user group that already exists, or a new one can be created. To create a new user group, click on the element “add group”. This opens a panel where you can enter the name of the group (e.g. “guests”), and assign colour and an icon.


Rights are used to limit what a user in this group is allowed to do in your evon Smart Home.

This level of rights gives the user full access to all possibilities in the system. All the following rights are deactivated, since they are all included in the admin rights.

Change parameter
Users in this group are allowed to change parameters, i.e. all settings accessible via the parameter symbol.

Manage settings
The user can open the settings (all apps – settings) and make changes. Exceptions are the user settings.

Manage home screen
The user can change the start page of the app, in other words, they can set favourites and move elements. See also “own home screen”.

Add object
The user can add new objects to the system, for example a new surveillance camera, a new Denon system, etc.

Edit logic
The user can create and edit logic elements.

Edit scenes
The user can create and edit scenes; otherwise scenes can only be executed.

Edit area
The user can create and edit areas.

Execute universal scene
The user can execute universal scenes such as close all blinds, switch on all lights, etc.

See all apps
The user can open all apps, otherwise they only have the possibility to open apps that are on the home screen.

See notifications
Notifications are displayed for the user (such as wind, alarm system, etc.).


In “areas”, you can define which areas the users in the group will be able to access.