
After you have connected via the evon Smart Home app to your evon Smart Home system, you should name all of the connected devices (lights, blinds, heating circuits, etc.) and allocate them to a room. This helps you to not only find and operate them easier, but also to access further functions.


Open “lights”, “blinds” or “room climate”, depending on the items you wish to modify the names and rooms.

The app shows you a list of central functions and below that a list of your elements – this corresponds to the channels of your evon Smart Home modules. More detail concerning the central functions can be found in the corresponding documentation.

Tap on the area that displays the name and the room, in this case “ no name”, “no room” to open the settings for this device.

Provide Name and Room

Enter the name of the device in the field “name”. You can type any name in here, or use a predefined name by tapping on the small arrow.

Tap on the field to select a room. The system already has a predefined few names that you can use. If you cannot find a suitable room in the list, create one in the settings -> areas and custom rooms.

You do not need to specifically save your changes, simply tap on the arrow symbol in the menu bar.

Choose a distinctive name depending on the device and purpose like: ceiling light, ambient, radiator or wall heating.