Analog Input

An analog input can measure voltage in the range 0-10V. This voltage is then scaled to the range defined by the user. This value can be used by the user for calculations (using logic), or simply to trigger scenes if the value exceeds or falls below certain (definable) limits.

The analog inputs are located under “all apps” – “analog inputs”.


Minimum and maximum limits of the measured value. These inputs must be taken from the description of the sensor used. For example, you wish to measure the humidity in a room and use a sensor with a 0-10V output signal. The sensor documentation tells you that the sensor can measure humidity from 0% to 100%. The minimum limit is hence 0 and the maximum limit is 100.

Number of decimal places
Indicates the number of decimal places used to calculate the value.

This is where you define exactly what you wish to measure with this analog input (e.g. temperature °C).

Notification on limit violation
If the value of the analog input falls below the lower limit or exceeds the upper limit, then you will be notified by the system if this checkbox is activated.

Upper limit
Enter the upper limit here. If the value exceed this limit, you can react with a scene by selecting the trigger for “value above upper limit” in the “IF …” statement.

Lower limit
Enter the lower limit here. If the value falls below this limit, you can react with a scene by selecting the trigger for “value below upper limit” in the “IF …” statement.


Der Analoge Eingang bietet folgende Auslöser für evon Smart Home Szenen (Wenn...):

  • Obere Grenze wurde überschritten: Die parametrierte obere Grenze wurde vom Messwert überschritten
  • Untere Grenze wurde unterschritten: Die parametrierte untere Grenze wurde vom Messwert unterschritten
Data Description

Raw value
A raw value is the voltage (0-10V) measured on the input of the module.

Raw value (phys.)
Corresponds to the output of an analog/digital converter and is used for the calculation into the physical measured value.

Corresponds to the scaled value resulting from the raw value, minimum and maximum.
Value = (Raw value phys. / Raw value phys. MAX) * (Maximum – Minimum) + Minimum.

The Operatorpanel of the selected Analog Input also provides you with a chart, which keeps track of the measured values.


If you wish to simulate the value for an analog input, this is easily done by activating the option “simulation on” in the operator panel and selecting the desired value in the slider. This can be useful if you have defined a scene you wish to be carried out if a limit is exceed and you wish to test what happens.