Every app contains different views and representations that are used for opening, operating or changing settings.
Every app contains different views and representations that are used for opening, operating or changing settings.
This is the basic representation of every app in the system. A single click/press on this display opens the app view and its functions can be used and/or changed.
As long as you have an app open, you can also open its view. This shows you all content and functions that are available to you. In the case of the light app, the items displayed include all connected lights and the group functions.
The group function can vary from app to app, but is mainly used to create new elements or to operate several available elements. Taking the app “lights” as an example, it can be used to switch all available lights on or off. In other cases, such as “user”, you can add new users.
This display represents a single element in the app. In the case of “lights” every single one of your connected lights is displayed like this. The display is divided into several individual sections, each one serving a different purpose. The area on the left contains operating elements in the form of one or more buttons that you can use to control the element (e.g. light on/off). Then there is a text area containing information such as the name and the allocated area. On the right, many apps have a status display showing you the current status of the element. Fo lights, you can see whether the light is on or off, or (if the energy saving mode is active) when the light will be switched off.
Clicking /pressing the text area of an element opens the settings screen where you can change the app name, allocated areas and functions as you wish.
This display offers you various information and settings possibilities for the selected element and is divided into several sections. On the top right are small buttons that let you jump into other areas. The first section contains the most important operating elements via which you can operate the selected element and, depending on the app, various items of basic information.
The second section contains the settings that you can change for that element. These allow you to change the behaviour of individual element to suit your needs.
This section shows you al the links for your element. This gives you an overview, should you desire it, of which switches or functions affect the element. You can also link the element with other elements, depending on the app. For example, in the app “lights”, you have the possibility to link a light with a motion sensor.
In the settings view, most of the apps have a button on the top right allowing you to access the official documentation.
Please note that the settings possibilities vary from app to app and therefore not all sections are available for all apps.