All cables must be routed to the consumer unit in which you have planned the corresponding module.
Each button will require a 24V voltage supply (+24V), and per pushbutton a cable that is connected to the pushbutton and the corresponding module. When cabling the sensors (pushbutton, contact, room operating panel) we recommend the use of communication cable (F-YAY) or CAT5 cables. If you wish to have more than one pushbuttons connected to a module input, you can either daisy-chain the cable in the room (from switch to switch, contact in the junction box) or cable all switches to the consumer unit and connect them all together there. The second variant gives you the advantage to only have the connection effort once, in the consumer unit, but increases the effort required for initial installation and cabling, and more space requirements in the consumer box.
Use deeper junction boxes as switch back boxes or boxes with more space – you will be grateful to yourself later when it comes to connecting the cables.
As opposed to a conventional electrical installation, the switches do not come into contact with the 230 V mains, however 230 V mains supply must still be routed into the consumer boxes to be connected to the evon Smart Home modules to provide power for the consumers (lighting circuits, blinds…).
Make sure that you do not forget cables for the room control unit, doorbell, window contacts, door opener etc. It is better to route one cable more than necessary than have one too few.