Creating Scenes

To create a scene, simply open the app “scenes” and select “create new scene”. Then open the operator panel for this scene. Enter the name and optionally a room. Then you can start with the configuration (described below).

If you want to invoke a scene from the visualization, you can do this via the left-hand area of the object panel or via the operator panel with the button “invoke”. Otherwise the scene is invoked automatically if the condition you selected using the “IF” statement is true.


To add a trigger condition, click in the area “IF” on the button “add” and a window will open where you can add a trigger condition.
For example, if you add a button then you have three options:

  • Pressed
  • More press
  • Double press

If you want to invoke a scene only via the app, you do not need a trigger condition.

If you wish to add several “IFs”, the scene can be invoked by each individual trigger condition, independently of each other.


Click on the button “add” in the area “THEN” to select the action you wish to be invoked from the window that opens. For example, you have the possibility to switch lights on or off, to close shading elements or to move them to a specific position, etc.

For example, if you wish to move the blinds to a specific position, then you are offered the opportunity to define the exact position of this blind and the angle of the slats.


Bereits erstellte Szenen lassen sich auch duplizieren. Klicken Sie dafür lange auf die Szene, welche Sie duplizieren wollen und wählen dann "Duplizieren" in der Leiste aus, welche am unteren Bildschirmrand erscheint.

Es werden alle Einstellungen der ausgewählten Szene dupliziert, wie z.B. Wenn, Dann, Bedingungen, Icon, Farbe und der Bereich der Szene.